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New Manager for One of Victoria’s Most Picturesque Properties

The planning and development of Scotch’s new Outdoor Education program in Mallacoota has taken a significant step forward with the appointment of Perry Anthony as the School’s inaugural Farm Manager at Fairhaven. With a unique background in carpentry and farming, along with six years supporting MLC’s Marshmead program, Perry will play a vital role in […]

From Wangaratta to The Hill: A Boarding Family Legacy

For Alison and her sons, Harry and Edward, boarding at Scotch College on The Hill has been a profound journey, intertwined with their family history. The family, from Wangaratta, chose Scotch not only for its greater academic and extra-curricular opportunities but to honour the legacy of their late husband and father, Tom. ‘Tom absolutely loved […]

Class of 2023 Boys Showcase Their Work at Top Designs

Great Creativity in Systems Engineering Congratulations to Jeremy Gray and Clancy Wilson of Scotch’s Class of 2023, who have been selected to exhibit their VCE Systems Engineering works in Top Designs 2024 at the Melbourne Museum. Each year as part of Top Designs, VCAA showcases a small range of works from various VCE Unit 3/4 […]

24-Hour Hike: In Pursuit of Cardinal, Gold, and Blue

The Scotch College 24 Hour Hike embodies standards symbolised by our school colours In the vibrant fabric of school life, events like the fundraising 24 Hour Hike at Scotch College transcend mere physical challenges; they serve as catalysts for character development and community cohesion, showcase physical endurance, and illuminate the deeper threads of character and […]

Celebrating National Reconciliation Week in the Junior School

During National Reconciliation Week, the Junior School embraced the theme “Now More Than Ever,” recognising the importance of unity, respect, and understanding. Throughout the week, our school community came together to celebrate, educate, and reflect on the significance of reconciliation. One of the highlights was the Sea of Hands installation in the Atrium, where every […]

Exciting Developments at Fairhaven: Progress and Projects for 2024

We are thrilled to share the exciting developments at Fairhaven with the Scotch Family. This year marks an important phase as we lay the groundwork for what will be a transformative experience for future Year 9 students. Here is a look at our progress and plans for 2024. Site Survey The first step in bringing […]

Cordner-Eggleston Cup 2024

A captivating game in front of an electric Main Oval crowd. On 24 May 2024, the Scotch College 1st XVIII played Melbourne Grammar School in the annual Cordner-Eggleston Cup game. This match marked the 183rd game between the two schools, dating back to the first recorded and recognisable game of Australian Rules football in 1858. […]