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Current TARCDP Projects

Teacher Action Research and Career Development Projects (2019 - 2020)

Scotch teachers, working in groups, are currently undertaking these action research projects:
  • Building resources for the required skill of ‘Viewing’ in the new Languages Study Design
  • Bringing out the best in our boys – Cultivating kindness at Scotch College
  • Development of the curriculum for the cross-age electives for the History Department (‘Fall of Empires’ and ‘Biography’)
  • Exploring the effectiveness of the visual diary in Art.
  • Research and development of data collection, tracking and feedback in Mathematics classrooms
  • Astrophysics cross-age elective course development
  • Creation of a curriculum for Years 7 and 8 English Workshop
  • Developing a curriculum guide for pipes and drums teachers
  • Development and implementation planning for PE/Health/Well-being curriculum
  • Development of EAL Support Years 7-10
  • Leadership models, structures and opportunities for boys Years 7 – 12
  • Using targeted feedback to encourage a growth mindset in our students in Mathematics
  • Assessment models and practices in creative subjects
  • Creating worded problems and in-depth projects for Specialist Mathematics U1 and 2
  • Designing curriculum and assessment utilising Microsoft Excel for data analysis, modelling, decision making and presentations in Economics
  • Developing access to and curating resources on “current events” relevant to the Commerce Department
  • Developing resources for Flipped Learning with a particular focus on Units 3 and 4 for VCE Biology
  • Development and implementation of interactive electronic simulation tools to support student understanding of challenging fundamental concepts in Science
  • Development of CE Department cross-age electives (‘Turning Points’; ‘Religion and the Arts’ and ‘Ethics’)
  • Appreciating the depth, variety and power of the English language through an understanding of classical languages
  • Exploring student ‘voice’ in the boarding house: How do we get greater involvement and buy in from leaders and boys?
  • Investigate current offerings and develop a co-curricular programme for an awareness and understanding of global citizenship for boys in years 7 – 12.
  • The place and purpose of the Arts at Scotch College
  • To design a Year 9 and 10 CFL course for students with learning difficulties, and to measure the impact of the course on student learning and identity as a learner
  • To research and plan for the introduction of an elective subject “Popular Culture” for Years 9 – 10
  • Explore current methods of delivering online content and feedback for senior English students
  • Creation of resources for a variety of programmes for Chinese SL students