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Foundational Statement

Foundational principle: The inherent value of each individual

Our boys are citizens of a global society. We believe we need to develop enterprising young individuals who make informed decisions and actively and constructively participate in society. To function within our community, our boys need to have an appreciation of the importance of the economy, business and the law.

Within our classrooms, we will apply rigour and relevance to our curriculum. Boys will be challenged to apply themselves to the best of their ability. As teachers, we will make the effort to form a relationship with each boy, and use this relationship to share a passion for learning and scholarship. The Commerce Department aims to unlock the potential of each boy to shape his future. Achieving strong academic results will be, for many of our boys, the first steps they will take on their journey beyond Scotch. We owe it to our boys to be a flexible and dynamic department, with adaptable curriculum, as befits the modern world.

Our boys will be confronted by many social, economic and moral challenges that will impact on their lives and choices, and the lives of others. It is essential that boys are equipped with the knowledge, understanding and skills that will enable them to meet these challenges and make decisions for the betterment of all.

Foundational question: How did the world evolve to be as it is and how might it be made to evolve for the greater good?

The economy and law are complicated facets of society, whose direction and impact has changed over time. By exposing our boys to defining events and central themes that have shaped our modern world, be it by tracing barter to Bitcoin, or through a study of the Constitution, we equip them with the necessary understanding to question their role in the evolution of modern civilisation.

Key values of enterprise and equity, and the potential trade-off that may exist, are some central themes of studies within Commerce courses. This facilitates the future ability of our boys to contribute to the development of prosperous, sustainable and equitable Australian and global societies. Through studying civics, the law, economics and business, our boys will learn to make informed decisions. They will be taught to appreciate the interdependence of decisions on economic, legal, environmental and social systems.

The Commerce Department aims to inspire our boys to be leaders and to use their knowledge in a way that helps to address the theoretical and practical challenges that face society as it evolves. We aspire for our boys to become engaged citizens who contribute to the betterment of communities worldwide and the greater good.